
The material on this site is organized into 5 key topics related to substance use by girls and women. For the most part the material arises from discussions held in the online environment (in webmeetings and through virtual workspaces) with a wide range of people involved in the addictions field and related fields such as the anti-violence field.  Virtual communities of practice (vCoP) have been created to support these discussions, where participants can examine together multiple forms of evidence and share their perspectives on improving our response to women’s substance use issues.  Many documents posted on this site capture the evidence examined, and promising practices identified, in these vCoP. Often the vCoP were followed by a webcast to communicate the findings to a larger audience, thus audio-visual files that capture these webcasts on specific topics are posted as well.

Violence, trauma and women's substance use
This section is about linking and integrating support on violence/trauma concerns with substance use treatment/harm reduction for girls and women, as well as promoting integrated violence and addictions policy.
Pregnancy, mothering and substance use

This section is about improving our response to pregnant women and mothers with substance use problems, and integrating women-centred, health-oriented approaches in prevention and policy initiatives designed to prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).

Young women, alcohol and other substance use
This section is about improving our response to girls and young women at risk of developing substance use problems, and includes material on preventing heavy alcohol use by girls.
Women and Tobacco
This section draws upon 15 years of research on women and tobacco at the BC Centre of Excellence for Women's Health and provides resources and tools to help move us towards evidence-based policies, advocacy, and community action that address the harmful social and health consequences of tobacco.

Substance use treatment for First Nations and Inuit women
This section is about the perspectives of First Nations and Inuit women, service providers and policy makers as to how the addictions treatment system and related health and social services could better address the needs of First Nations and Inuit women.

What's New
This section provides service providers with information and resources related to girls, women, alcohol & pregnancy and FASD prevention.
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