About this issue

This section is about improving our response to pregnant women and mothers with substance use problems, and integrating women-centred, health-oriented approaches in prevention and policy initiatives designed to prevent Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD).


BCCEWH researchers lead the Network Action Team (NAT) on FASD Prevention from a Women’s Health Determinants Perspective, a part of the CanFASD Research Network. The NAT promotes prevention of FASD from a women-centred, harm-reduction-oriented perspective. The ongoing virtual community meetings of the NAT foster inter-jurisdictional linkages between researchers and community collaborators, and link researchers, service providers, and policy advisors across Canada.


Here you can link to:


Information sheets that reflect virtual discussions held by the NAT and vCoPs which have discussed issues related to pregnancy, mothering and substance use


- Other Documents available online that are of interest

- Webcast presentations

- Links to websites related to pregnancy mothering and substance use


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