Despite considerable medical and research attention, smoking among women remains a serious health issue, especially for young and disadvantaged women. Current evidence suggests that successful tobacco dependence treatment should recognize change in smoking as a process and should include support for both smoking cessation and relapse prevention. There is critical need for women-centred models of tobacco treatment and relapse prevention that are responsive to the health needs of individual women and to groups of women who have higher rates of smoking and levels of burden.
Researchers at the BCCEWH have been involved for over a decade in research reviewing tobacco cessation interventions for women. Specifically we have examined the benefits of integrating women-centred and trauma-informed interventions within services helping women with connected issues of trauma/violence, other substance use, and mental health concerns. This research helps us build towards a pragmatic women-centred approach to tobacco treatment.
Expecting to Quit: A best-practices review of smoking cessation interventions for pregnant and postpartum girls and women, 2nd ed.
This 2011 revised edition reviews research and intervention development in the years since the first edition was published in 2003. It reflects recent emerging interventions and better practices with a variety of groups of pregnant and postpartum women, with an added section on high-risk populations of pregnant smokers.
Available in English and French.
This pamphlet reviews five quick ways that health care providers can change their practice to address smoking during pregnancy with their patients. Evidence-based recommendations for engaging smokers are designed to be implemented in as little as 5 to 10 minutes and having all the necessary tools can greatly enhance practitioners efficiency in delivering appropriate interventions. The practice tips and resource sheets within this document are also available from
Liberation! Helping Women Quit Smoking:
A Brief Tobacco-Intervention Guide
This guide supports service providers in diverse contexts to start a conversation with women about their smoking and the possibility of quitting. Drawing largely from Motivational Interviewing - an evidence-based communication style to support change – women-centred principles are translated into practice.
Available in English and French.
This research summary captures a study conducted by the BCCEWH in conjunction with community partners to identify best practices in smoking cessation for women with other substance use problems, mental illness and experiences of trauma. Tips and resources for service providers are provided within this pamphlet.
Findings and promising practices for using nicotine replacement therapy as part of a women-centred approach to addressing tobacco dependency at a primary health clinic serving pregnant and early parenting women impacted by violence and/or substance misuse in Surrey, BC.
Chapter 25 in N. Poole & L. Greaves, eds., Highs & Lows: Canadian Perspectives on Women and Substance Use (2007).
Tobacco use is frequently considered separately from other types of substance use even though there are documented
advantages to addressing the two together. This chapter provides an overview of the Aurora Centre, a residential treatment centre for women located in Vancouver, and the steps it took towards incorporating tobacco dependency into their programming. Download from the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health website.