
Thinking about Collaboration: Child Welfare and Substance Use Services

“Thinking about Collaboration: Child Welfare and Substance Use Services” session held on February 10, 2010. Tammy MacKenzie, Carolyn Ussher and Diane Smylie provide an overview of 4 Toronto based, collaborative initiatives.

  1. Designing and piloting of an on‐line provincial training on substance use for child welfare staff.
  2. Locating a substance use consultant within child welfare to build capacity through on‐site training and consultation with child welfare staff.
  3. Developing best practice guidelines on substance use for intake staff at child welfare.
  4. Weaving collaboration between sectors, into a substance use program for pregnant and parenting women and their children.

Production of this web-based guide has been made possible through a financial contribution from Health Canada.     

The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Health Canada.


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